Mañana me voy a Madrid a cumplir con las tradiciones navideñas, o dicho de otra manera............a no parar de comeeeer!!! a la vuelta seguiré colgando monigotes y links! (el texto y el dibujo son independientes!no me da ninguna pena abandonaros, el dibujo tiene otra historia...) FELIZ NAVIDAD A TODOS!!!!!
(This goes with the theme of IF.Sorry for being sooo lazy....hehehe. Actually I used it to apologize once... I think I will do a better one other day.19-may-06)
19 comentarios :
Ah, that breaks my heart...
Cute illustration.
I love how the child is looking straight up! It is a view every parent knows! Very nice!
Very nice. cute face. love the cat. :-)
This is the sweetest picture!
I love the perspective, perfect!
I love the illustration for Sorry. Her eyes are the best part. [And I'm glad you left out the nose, that would have ruined the emphasis on the eyes. And it's ALL in the eyes.]
But I have to tell you - I love your header illustration. That is really beautiful. Lovely eerie and best-dream-worthy at the same time.
bien hecho y de mensaje claro y directo - muy bueno.
very beautiful and cute!
very sweet; love the perspective
Pena, penita .... Feliz Navidad ;)
Very sad looking faces. Lovely and sweet.
veo esta ilu y me conmueve!
Que liinda.
-Marjorie Ann
sooo cute! i love this illo.
This is so sweet and I love the perspective!
very sweet.
i love this perspective i love that both the child and cat are looking's almost like the cat is appolozing as well!!! :)
Tu dibujo es precioso. Cuando miro los ojos de esa niña me entran ganas de llorar...:)
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Felices dìas de navidad, espero regreses con mucha energìa a tu blog!
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